Thursday, July 21, 2011

Birth Story

*Thursday June 29th I had a doctor appointment and the doctor said I could go in to be induced. I was SOOO ready, so she called the hospital and they told her that all the rooms were full so I'd have to call back the following day to see if any rooms opened up. I was so disappointed and since I wasn't supposed to call back until 6 p.m. the following day it made for the LONGEST day EVER! By 5 p.m. the next day I couldn't wait any longer so I called and they had a room open and told me to be there by 9 p.m.

Chris and I headed to Jeff around 6:30 p.m., we went and ate Chinese, went to the Dollar Store for some hard candy and browsed Old Navy and Barnes & Noble killing time before we had to be at the hospital - then we were on our way there.

When we got there it took about an hour to answer all the questions and get settled into the room. Around 10 p.m. we started the dilation process (I wasn't dilated at all at that point...) This consists of inserting a pill that is supposed to help dilate you. 4 hours later the nurse came to check to see if I'd dilated - I hadn't, so she inserted a second pill. After that pill I started getting harder and longer contractions - so I was hopeful by the next time they checked me (6 a.m.) that I'd be dilated. Well at 6 a.m. I STILL wasn't dilated so they inserted ANOTHER pill. It wasn't long at all and my contractions were back to back and Zachary's heart rate was dropping from them - the nurse said all the pills probably started working at once. So, they tried flushing the pills out and my contractions were still crazy so they gave me a shot to try and stop them....and I STILL wasn't dilated.

My doctor got there around 8:30 or so and after assessing the situation decided I'd have to have a c-section since my body wasn't dilating...I was scared and I didn't want a c-section, but I knew the doctor would make the best decision - so by 9 they had me wheeled into the operating room.

I got some type of shot in my back (similar to an epidural) to numb from my waist down. That shot HURT, especially since I was having contractions while they were giving it to me, but I had to try and be as still as possible. After they gave me the shot and got the "area" prepped they sent Chris in. Then the surgery began - but I really couldn't feel a thing....It wasn't long and the doctor told me that the baby would be here within 3 minutes. Well, those 3 minutes passed and she eventually said that he was they tried again....and again, couldn't get him out (afterwards Chris told me that the doctor was literally one top of me pushing down on my stomach trying to get him out) - at that point she told me she'd have to use the vacuum but it would be fast and shouldn't hurt him. And then I heard him scream!!!!!

It wasn't too much longer and they handed him over to the nurses and I could hear him crying, but I couldn't see was several minutes (they were cleaning him up) before they handed him to me.....I was amazed. I was expecting him to look so different. I don't know why, but I expected him to be bigger and maybe having a darker complexion - but he was ADORABLE..................

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