Monday, April 25, 2011


The cardiologist called me today. After reviewing the concerns and recommendations from my OB doctor here is what we are doing....

I don't remember any of the technical doctor terms so it's all in my own words!

Friday I go in to get a heart monitor. The way I understand it is they hook some probes to me, give me some kind of monitoring box and send me on my way.

Monday I go in for some kind of heart scan (sounds similar to an xray - but for the heart) and return the monitoring stuff and I'm assuming find out what, if anything, is going on.

From what I understand they're monitoring the stress on my heart - to make sure that the reason it's speeding up periodically isn't due to too much stress on it - if it IS, depending on the level (I'm guessing) there are different alternatives: bed rest, medication, monitoring my heart during birth (if they don't think it's strong enough to go through that...) - I'm keeping my fingers, toes, arms and legs crossed that there is nothing abnormal and my heart is just racing to keep up with the extra blood flowing through my body.

Guess I'll know more a week from today...........

Some Things....

I'm sure in the end it'll be worth all these "missing" things - but I'd be lying if I said there wasn't a thing about NOT being pregnant I didn't are some of them:

*Running. Really, really miss this. Like this is probably #1 on my list!

*Heels. I quit wearing them around week 18 or 20 - they just start hurting my feet and didn't feel the same as pre-pregnancy.

*Sleep. I still sleep, yes. But it's interrupted often by my bladder and the further along I get the more uncomfortable finding a good position to sleep in is.

*The occasional beer. I didn't miss this at ALL until it started to warm up. The warm weather reminds me of river days and concerts....and beer : )

*My flat stomach and small(er) butt. Who would ever had thought I'd miss my butt. I've always hated my butt/thighs - well they've done nothing but grown so now I miss the "skinnier" ones!

*My complexion - Birth Control pills always kept my skin clear. My jaw line is ALWAYS broken out these days. Truthfully I don't do a lot to clear it up (no face washes or anything...)...but it's annoying!

*Brazilian Blowouts - Every single curl has returned. I'm ready to get it straightened again : )

*Only having to worry about myself - You have to literally think about EVERYTHING you're doing and the safety factor of those might not have been such a prominent thing if we weren't building a house during my pregnancy, but I feel like there is so much I haven't been able to help with because of being pregnant (painting, staining, moving things, etc.)

Now to flip the coin - there are things about the pregnancy I'll miss when it's gone....

*feeling his movements

*getting to hear his heartbeat at the doctor appointments

*All the amazing gifts I've gotten from my friends and family. I've had the wedding shower and now the baby showers - so I won't be getting any more "showers"'s fun to get cute baby stuff!

*The anticipation of what he'll look like, how big he'll be, what kind of baby he will be - it makes for a good distraction, especially during boring lectures : )

*My boobs - I hear you lose them after pregnancy/breast feeding. It's a shame they're not permanent : )

Once he's here, healthy and perfect none of these things - the things I forgone and the things I may never feel again - will have been worth it!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Baby Randoms

*Chris and I are having maternity pictures taken this weekend. I went back and forth with whether I wanted to do it or not. In the end I decided that I'd have a local woman who does photography as kind of a hobby, although she does an excellent job she doesn't charge much, so if I end up not doing anything with them I'll at least have them for memories.

*I purchased a bookshelf from the local Oak Harvest Treasures for Zachary's room. It matched the color of his crib and changing table and I really needed something to put his books and toys on - We're picking it up today!

*I'm going to shop for a rocker/glider after work today for Zach's room - I found several online that I like, but I'm hoping to find one a little cheaper locally.

*I'm spending the entire afternoon tomorrow setting up the nursery!!! I can NOT wait! I don't really have any ideas or plans on what I'm doing - I'm just going to wing it.

*I got a 20% off coupon from, so I decided to order several boxes. I ordered 2 boxes of size 1's and 2 boxes of size 2's - over 1,000 diapers! I have NO CLUE if I'll have to buy more or not (there's like 260 some in each box) - but I figured the cost of the diapers from there and compared to the cost at Wal-Mart and there was a significant savings!!

*I have 2 more baby showers left! I have one next weekend with my friends and then I have one in May at work. I've ended up really liking the small babyshowers - I don't really like "entertaining" a large number of people - so the 20 some I've had at my showers makes me feel like I can easily talk to everyone and feel comfortable.

I'll be taking pictures of what I get done in the nursery and posting next week!!!!

RhoGAM shot

I never posted about actually getting the RhoGAM shot....

It is a shot you have to go to the hospital to get. So, I got to the hospital - waited forever until the nurse finally came in with the shot. She had me lay in the bed and it was over - I didn't EVEN FEEL IT!!! I had to stay there for 20 minutes after the shot and have my blood pressure and pulse monitored - both were fine. So, it ended up being an hour "wait" to get a shot. I'm glad it didn't hurt and I felt no effects whatsoever from it!!

Breast Feeding

My plan is to breastfeed Zach for 3-6 months. I know, from friends and my sister, how difficult breastfeeding can be - so I figured I'd take a breastfeeding course at the hospital. The course was last night. I even made Chris drive up and attend it too!

The course was from 6-7:30, cost $15 and there was only one other couple in there.

It was pretty much worthless. I had purchased a breastfeeding book several months ago so I've read about half of it (it's huge - with A LOT of information) - but I still felt like I could learn more from a class. I felt like the class was SOOOOOOO basic, and geared towards moms to be who didn't even realize their breasts could secrete milk to feed their newborn baby. It definitely makes me happy I didn't sign up for any other classes!!!

Doctor Appointment

The doctor appointment went good.

*I gained weight. I guess that's inevitable, huh?!

*I measured 30 weeks - right on.

*Zachary's heart rate was 126 - she said he was "resting".

*I think I mentioned in an earlier post that my heart has been racing a time or two a day - since it wasn't an isolated thing and has continued the doctor wants me to see a cardiologist, just to make sure there is nothing wrong.

*I asked if I could train for and run a half marathon in October (3 months after Zachary is due) - and the doctor said no : ( Something about heavy running close after birth can have some kind of effect on your uterus. She said I can't run at all for 6 weeks following birth and then I have to start out gradually after that. Maybe I can do the one in April.

I haven't gotten a call from the cardiologist yet, but I'll keep you updated on when that appointment is and how it goes!

10 more weeks!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I'm THIRTY weeks pregnant today. HOLY!!!!

How does this break down?!

7 1/2 months pregnant

In my 3rd trimester.

10 weeks remain until my due date - which is only 70 days. BUT, get this -

only 49 days until I'm full term. (June 8th)

I'm already 23.1% through my 3rd trimester - 75% through my entire pregnancy!!!!

What about Zachary?! Well, Mr. Zachary is approximately 17 inches long and a little over 3 pounds! He has lots of growing to do in the next several weeks (does that mean I have a lot of growing to do too?! YIKES!)!!!

Monday, April 18, 2011

29 weeks

Excuse the zebra bra - I was too lazy to change into my neutral one. Oops!!

Baby Shower

Sunday was the baby shower for my family and family friends hosted by my mom, sister and mother in law (Chris' dads girlfriend -who is like one). Every detail was so perfect and it was a wonderful shower!!

Here is a picture of teh changing table I got from the "hosts" Some of the guests:
Unwrapping presents:
All my gifts in the crib:
More guests:
The cake - The blocks spelled out : Baby, It's a Boy, Zachary Douglas Wansing,
The decorations.

The crib (also a gift from the hosts) -

Adorable cookies

Me and the cake

They had personalized decorations (little confetti that said Welcome Zachary Douglas), stickers on the bottom of Hershey's kisses that said Zachary Douglas, sock monkey's (colored ones!) on the table and a sock monkey jack in the box - and so much more. It was all AMAZING! : )

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

RhoGAM shot


You've seen my posts about the Rhogam shot, but I've never really explained what it is - or why I have to get it (tonight, Eek!)

Here is a brief explanation:

My blood type is Rh negative.

When Rh negative blood is exposed to Rh positive blood the Rh negative person begins producing antibodies to fight the invading blood. Antigens trigger your body to produce antibodies. Antibodies are usually a good thing and serve to protect a person from foreign invaders.

Now the problem lies when a pregnant woman is carrying a baby that is Rh positive. If the mother has antibodies to the Rh antigen, those antibodies can attack the baby's red blood cells. This can lead to complications to the baby including anemia, jaundice, and other blood related problems.

Rh factor incompatibility can be prevented by administration of the RhoGAM shot. Because baby's blood does not usually mix with the mother's until birth, first pregnancies usually have no risk for problems to baby. During birth, bits of the baby's blood will mix with the mother's blood. The RhoGAM shot should be given within 72 hours of birth. This shot will stop the mother from developing antibodies to the Rh factor. Because there is a slight risk of placental tears during the later part of pregnancy, the RhoGAM shot is often given at 28 weeks of pregnancy as well.

The RhoGAM shot only provides temporary immunity so it will be necessary to have the shot given after each birth, miscarriage, or induced abortion.

So, there you have it - I'll be getting the RhoGAM shot twice. Today and again after birth. It's really not a big deal - just, from what I hear, a HUGE needle (I'm not afraid of needles, but COME ON - who wants to be stuck with one?!?!)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Doctor Appointment

I had my 28 week appointment yesterday.

I gained 2 pounds since my 26 week appointment.

Zachary's heart rate was 143 bpm.

I measured 28 weeks - which made me happy because since 20 weeks I've always measured 2 weeks over so I'm finally on track, hopefully my growing is slowing down : )

I brought up an issue I've been having - my heart has been racing when I'm sitting at work sometimes. So, for the next two weeks I have to track my heart rate when that happens and how long it lasts. If it gets above 130 I have to call the doctor so I can schedule an appointment with a cardiac doctor - if it gets above 160 I'm supposed to go to the ER. I don't think it's even getting as high as 130 - it happened once after my appointment yesterday and it was 104. The doctor said it might just have to do with hormones and the extra blood pumping through my body, but it's not normal over 130 - so pray that I don't ever get over 130!!

I am going to get my Rogham shot on Tuesday after work. Blah!

Other than that - everything looked good!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Pregnancy Picture

Here's a picture of me from before church on Sunday - I thought I'd post a pregnancy picture besides the typical weekly shot in the white A-line shirt!

Church Baby Shower

On Sunday my church held a baby shower for me after services. I was really nervous about this shower for some reason - but a lot of great people from the church ended up coming and I got some really awesome gifts!! Some of the guests! More guests. Opening gifts!

I got WAY too many things to list, but some of the bigger items were:

*A swing

*A boppy pillow

*A bumbo chair

*Digital thermometer

*Several outfits -including a pair of little Carhartt bibs - absolutely ADORABLE!

*A homemade afghan

*A Willow Tree statute (my third "pregnancy" one - I love them all!)

*bottles, diapers, wipes, toys, several safety 1st items, blankets, towels and other sweet baby things!

I really loved EVERY SINGLE THING I got - I'm very blessed!

Friday, April 1, 2011


It's all getting closer!

The baby is:

27 weeks 2 days (191 days)


6 & 3/4 months

I'm in my 3rd trimester. 68.2% through my pregnancy.

12 weeks and 5 days (89 days) remain until my due date.

Here's what's going on with Mr. Zachary:

He's weighing in around 2.5 pounds and 16 inches long!

He's sleeping and waking at regular intervals and probably sucking his fingers!!

His brain is very active and his lungs are capable of functioning if he were to have to be delivered this early (super prayers that he won't come early, but it's reassuring to know he's capable of surviving now!).

Here's what is going on with me:

I've gained a butt load of weight. Blah.

My back/hips have started to hurt.

I've been feeling and seeing the little guy move A LOT more here lately. It's pretty neat!

First Labor Dream

I had my first dream about going into Labor last night...It went something like this:

I went to the hospital, my sister and her fiance were still there from having Larissa (although I never seen Larissa, only my sister in the hospital bed and Will standing next to her) - and I was going to be using the same room they were in (weird, huh?!)

So, I get there and my doctor's dad (who in real life is also an OBGYN) was going to get everything ready for his daughter to come in and deliver. He sent my sister and Will to the adjoining room and then he started to get me ready (propping my feet up, etc.) at which point my mom almost passed out so they sent her out of the room too. I was alone (where was my husband, you might ask?!?) - Chris had decided to go to the creek with a friend of Will's (Budd Fagre, for those of you from Vienna) - I was so mad, and there wasn't time to call anyone else to be there with me because the baby was coming.

My doctor's dad had me all ready and he bounced across the bed to call his daughter to tell her to come in and deliver - when he bounced across the end of the bed it bounced me into the floor (I was okay, I got up, fixed the sheets and got back into the bed). In walked my doctor(she had wet hair, like she just showered). First she commented on how lived in the room was (the ledge of the window was filled with canned food?!) and then she preceeded to show me all these organic mixes I needed to eat to lose weight after the baby came (as the baby WAS COMING...) and then I woke up.

Weird dream, huh?!