Thursday, June 30, 2011

40 Week Appointment

I had my 40 week appointment yesterday....

Blood pressure good.

Gained weight (I thought that was supposed to end?!)

Babies heart rate was 150

Measured 37 weeks

Not dilated

He's taking his sweet time!!!!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Old Wives Tales

You hear lots of old wives tales about ways to naturally induce labor...I tried a couple over the last couple days - and NOTHING.

Friday I had jalepenos. DO NOT do this. Not only was my chest on fire but the poor baby wasn't comfortable either because he was moving around like crazy. So, I vote against the spicy foods tale!!

Yesterday I looked up reflexology and the trigger points in your hands and feet that are supposed to induce labor. For 30 minutes I had Chris massage 3 of the points on my feet - you'd think that even if this didn't work to induce labor it'd still be nice to be getting a foot massage. Wrong. These "trigger points" are sensitive and it's actually a little painful to rub on them (the internet research I did said that you know you are hitting the right points when it feels like you are touching a bruise....) - NOTHING here either : (

I've come to the conclusion that this boy will be like his father - late for everything! Dawson didn't get that trait, he's an early riser and ready for school an hour before he has to be there - Zach is already starting off more like his dad in the timely aspect : )

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Here's to hoping this is the last time I post the progress of the pregnancy : )

Baby Zachary is 39 weeks 1 days old - or 9 3/4 months - or 274 days

I'm 97.9% through my pregnancy and 93.4% through the third trimester

6 days remain until my due date.

Less than a week until the due date!!!!

39 weeks

Only a day late!! : )

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

39 week appointment

I had my 39 week appointment yesterday. Since my doctor went and got married over the weekend I didn't get to see her, but her dad - so this means I didn't get checked for dilation/effacement. So what happened was the "normal" stuff:

blood pressure: good
weight: didn't gain ANY! A first....
measurement:38 weeks
heartrate:I have no clue - he doesn't speak English very well and talks so fast I had no clue what he said!!!
position:head down!

Words of advice from the doctor:

"If shoes get wet go to the hospital"


My next appointment will be a week from today - my due date based on conception date. (My due date based on my last period, which is what the doctor goes by, is July 1 - but I've always went by June 29th for journaling's only 2 days different, and in my mind the June date is more accurate : ) I'm stubborn! : )


I got a gift last night from the sweetest girl - I absolutely LOVE this blanket and hat - I love the colors and I love the little ears on the hat.

Isn't it the sweetest?!

38 weeks

Here I am posting my 38 week picture the day I'm 39 weeks! Maybe I'll post my 39 week picture tomorrow.....

Thursday, June 16, 2011

38 week appointment

I had my 38 week appointment yesterday.....

My blood pressure was still good....

I measured 37 weeks.

No dilation.

My feet and ankles have started to swell a bit - so that is something I have to watch.

My doctor is off starting tomorrow through next Friday - she is getting married this weekend and then going on her honeymoon - so I won't see her again until my 40 week appointment. I do go back to the office next week to get my blood pressure, weight, etc. checked - but I won't be checked for dilation.

So - if I don't go into labor naturally before the 29th I'll be pregnant for 40 weeks for sure...Oh JOY! : )

38 week picture coming soon. Looks like it's a good thing that I have stickers for up to 42 weeks.........

Friday, June 10, 2011

37 weeks

36 weeks


Haven't posted statistics in a while - and since I don't have the pictures downloaded I promised you this will have to do (pictures tonight or tomorrow....)

Baby Zachary is 37 weeks 2 days old - or 9 1/4 months - or 261 days

I'm 93.2% through my pregnancy and 79.1% through the third trimester

2 weeks and 5 days remain until my due date - or 19 days.

Zach is now FULL TERM - which means he could make his appearance any day OR not.....

Thursday, June 9, 2011

37 week appointment

I need to post my 36 & 37 week pictures - I'm hoping to do that tomorrow!

In the mean time - I had my weekly (37) appointment yesterday.

Blood pressure was good. Weight increased...whoever says that your weight steadies out or decreases in your third trimester is crazy in my book. I've gained a ton this trimester.

I went in the room, was told to remove my clothes from the waist down and cover up with the sheet on the table. The "sheet" was the size of a baby blanket and barely covered a thing - I guess the point is lost on the fact that you uncover for the doctor anyway!

The heartbeat was good - 140's I think - he's still in the head down position. She then checked me for dilation and did the Strep B test - not dilated and I'm not sure if I get called about the Strep B test or not. If you test positive you are given antibiotics during labor/delivery to keep the baby from having pneumonia, since I'm already going to be given antibiotics for my heart I guess it doesn't matter if I test negative or positive - but so I don't have to worry about it I hope it's negative!

I go back next Wednesday - and then my doctor leaves for a week to get married and go on her honeymoon - So, if I don't have Zach by next week I hope he waits until she gets back (considering how ready I am to have him, this sounds like crazy talk, but I really want my doctor to deliver him....)

Pictures to come soon............

Friday, June 3, 2011

Baby Gift

A girl I used to work with and became friends with met me for lunch today. When we were heading back to work she gave me a baby gift..............

A COACH DIAPER BAG!!!!! I was so surprised - and shocked! I've never owned a (real) Coach bag before -and can't even imagine how much a diaper bag cost......

I love it though, and can't wait to use it!!!

36 week appointment

I had my 36 week appointment on Wednesday. I am now going to the doctor every week! I measured 35 weeks - maybe this means a small baby?! : ) Everyone seems to think I'm having a big baby, but I've not measured big - I've just gained a lot of weight, so I'm hoping the baby isn't a 10 pounder!!

The heartbeat was good - I can't remember the exact number but I think it was around 127.

My doctor decided to do an ultrasound - what a fun surprise!!! She checked to see what position he was in and questioned whether it was his head or butt so she did a quick ultrasound. I made out his foot and she focused A LOT on his "privates" - even printing out a picture of his "cute little sac" - She's a goofball! I took the ultrasound picture home and the next morning I called Chris to see if he had seen it on the table (another night of ballgames and us not seeing each other) - and he said that he had but couldn't make it out - when I told him what it was he cracked up, thinking it would have been his profile (like most normal people would think!) Nope, she gave me an ultrasound picture of his balls!!!! LOL!!!!!

Next week is the first appointment I get "checked" for dilation......can't hardly wait ; )

Oh - I have also told Chris we need to get better at taking our weekly pictures on Wednesday. We are really bad at not doing it until Sunday - which is 4 days past the actual week mark, but in the case I have him between a Wednesday and a Sunday I'd like to have the final "weekly" picture be correct. Today is Friday and I still need to take my 36 week picture...on the to do list for TONIGHT!

35 weeks

I had just gotten out of bed - look how scary my hair is! EEEk!