Friday, March 25, 2011


I just got the call from my doctor's office that I passed my glucose test! Yippee!!!

They also told me my iron levels are good (I'm not anemic) - which means I've been taking my pre-natals well. (I've probably forgotten 2-3 times the last 6 months...but overall I remember daily!)

Good news for a Friday (although it's a dreary one, weather wise!)


  1. Yay!!! So glad you passed it. Also that you are not anemic. Most pregnant women end up having to take extra iron. It sucks, the pills make everything have a metal taste. Glad you are in good health. Have you heard anymore about Zachary?

  2. We won't be getting any more ultrasounds and we decided against the amniotic testing, so other than knowing his hearrate is good and I feel him moving every day we just pray he's born a healthy little boy : )

  3. Yeah me too. The amnio tests sound creepy to me and whatever is to be known you will find out when he gets here. I say a prayer for you and him every night, I will continue to do so.
