Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Monthly Doctor Appointment

*Today was my monthly appointment with the baby doctor - here's what went down

*I did the glucose testing. I drank a cup full of orange sweet "kool-aid" - sat in the waiting room for an hour - got my blood drawn. I will get a call in 2-3 days letting me know if I passed.

*I got weighed. I gained. A lot. UGH! (The doctor was not at all concerned about it - but I am!)

*I got measured - my belly is measuring 28 weeks (I'm 26) - she said this is just fine - just indicates a big baby. Oh joy.

*Heart beat was 143.

*I start going every 2 weeks now. Next week will be my Rogham shot (since I have a negative blood type) - I hear these shots are just delightful (NOT!)

I have a feeling these last couple months are going to fly by!


  1. I hope you pass your glucose test. Gestational diabetes really sucks. Didn't Danielle have the Rogham shot too? I hope little Zachary is doing okay and you are doing well also.

  2. Wow, little Zachary will be here before you know it! :)
