Friday, March 25, 2011


I just got the call from my doctor's office that I passed my glucose test! Yippee!!!

They also told me my iron levels are good (I'm not anemic) - which means I've been taking my pre-natals well. (I've probably forgotten 2-3 times the last 6 months...but overall I remember daily!)

Good news for a Friday (although it's a dreary one, weather wise!)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Monthly Doctor Appointment

*Today was my monthly appointment with the baby doctor - here's what went down

*I did the glucose testing. I drank a cup full of orange sweet "kool-aid" - sat in the waiting room for an hour - got my blood drawn. I will get a call in 2-3 days letting me know if I passed.

*I got weighed. I gained. A lot. UGH! (The doctor was not at all concerned about it - but I am!)

*I got measured - my belly is measuring 28 weeks (I'm 26) - she said this is just fine - just indicates a big baby. Oh joy.

*Heart beat was 143.

*I start going every 2 weeks now. Next week will be my Rogham shot (since I have a negative blood type) - I hear these shots are just delightful (NOT!)

I have a feeling these last couple months are going to fly by!

Monday, March 21, 2011

25 weeks

Kicking His Cousin

Well Zachary's little cousin was born this last week!!!! She's absolutely PERFECT!!!

The funniest thing happens when I hold Larissa - the very first time I held her I put her against me and Zach started kicking and Larissa popped her eyes wide open. I thought it was all just a coincidence, however, now that Larissa has been here 5 days and I've held her a ton more I know that it's not a coincidence.....every time I hold her Zach kicks (or punches) like crazy!! It's so weird. Chris thinks Zach is jealous, I think he is just letting his cousin know he loves her : )

Here are some pictures of his new little cousin:

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Diaper Bag

I got my diaper bag in. I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's a lot bigger inside than it looks, I think it's going to be perfect.

8 weeks difference!

I was 16 weeks pregnant in this picture.

I'm 24 weeks pregnant here. Man, I grew a lot in those 8 weeks!!!

24 weeks

23 weeks

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


I'm still taking weekly pictures - just haven't had time to upload and edit to get them posted. Next week I have a week off from school - so I'll post the last 2-3 weeks!

Zachary has been kicking harder and harder. He woke me up one night and moved around for almost 2 hours!!

Chris and the boys have all got to feel him kick now! Last weekend I laid on the couch with Chris and he got to feel him kick a lot - so neat!

I think I've got completely registered. I decided to only register at one place - Target. I put a lot on my registry, not expecting to get it all, but because you get a coupon a month or so before you're due that you can use on registry items......

I still have 2 weeks until my next monthly appointment - it seems the weeks have gone by slowly between these two appointments!

I'm scheduled for a breast feeding class next month! Chris is going to attend it with me - hopefully I get more insight on breast feeding....and Chris learns all kinds of tips to help me out ; )

That's about all I have for now. Have a great day.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Some Statisticals ; )

Today I am 23 weeks pregnant. That's the same thing as 5 3/4 months or 161 days.

17 weeks until I'm full term. (That is 119 days)

I'm 57.5% through my pregnancy.

I'm 73.3% through my 2nd trimester (28 days until my third trimester starts).

The baby is approximately 8 inches long and 1.2 pounds.

Time's flying! : )

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

22 weeks

It looks like I'm going to always be a week behind at posting these pictures. Maybe when I'm done with school I'll have more time. Of course by then I'll be 35 weeks along, so you might just get a couple pictures timely!