Monday, November 22, 2010


*I'm still craving non-sugary things - like meats, cheeses, chips, eggs, etc. This is weird for me since my whole life I've loved junk food!

*I've been feeling nauseous still. And tired. Very, Very tired. Everyone says it gets better in the 2nd trimester - so just a couple more weeks to go (hopefully!)

*For the most part I haven't been bothered by a TON of smells, last night, however, Chris came to bed a couple hours after I'd been sleeping and he had put un-scented lotion on his hands - the smell of it woke me up and had me sick.....He still couldn't believe today that it woke me up and made me so sick (I didn't throw up, but it took me forever to go back to bed!)

*Hoping to get my maternity pillow in today or tomorrow!!

*I started a notebook that I just write down a little note daily - on what I did, how I felt or anything else pregnancy related. I put the pregnancy sticker I use for my weekly photo at the top of the page and use the remaining page for that weeks notes - Hopefully it is something my child will enjoy one day.

*I've still been peeing like CRAZY - around 5 times a night and a couple times an hour during the day - they say that subsides in the 2nd trimester as well. At this point the 2nd trimester sounds delightful : )

1 comment:

  1. Yeah I kept a journal thing when I was pregnant with Brianna. I hope she will enjoy it when she is older. I tried keeping one when I was pregnant with Mason but I had one child and two step kids so things were more chaotic and Calyssa I never had time to think about it. I am real big on writing in the baby books though.
