Wednesday, June 22, 2011

39 week appointment

I had my 39 week appointment yesterday. Since my doctor went and got married over the weekend I didn't get to see her, but her dad - so this means I didn't get checked for dilation/effacement. So what happened was the "normal" stuff:

blood pressure: good
weight: didn't gain ANY! A first....
measurement:38 weeks
heartrate:I have no clue - he doesn't speak English very well and talks so fast I had no clue what he said!!!
position:head down!

Words of advice from the doctor:

"If shoes get wet go to the hospital"


My next appointment will be a week from today - my due date based on conception date. (My due date based on my last period, which is what the doctor goes by, is July 1 - but I've always went by June 29th for journaling's only 2 days different, and in my mind the June date is more accurate : ) I'm stubborn! : )