I had my first dream about going into Labor last night...It went something like this:
I went to the hospital, my sister and her fiance were still there from having Larissa (although I never seen Larissa, only my sister in the hospital bed and Will standing next to her) - and I was going to be using the same room they were in (weird, huh?!)
So, I get there and my doctor's dad (who in real life is also an OBGYN) was going to get everything ready for his daughter to come in and deliver. He sent my sister and Will to the adjoining room and then he started to get me ready (propping my feet up, etc.) at which point my mom almost passed out so they sent her out of the room too. I was alone (where was my husband, you might ask?!?) - Chris had decided to go to the creek with a friend of Will's (Budd Fagre, for those of you from Vienna) - I was so mad, and there wasn't time to call anyone else to be there with me because the baby was coming.
My doctor's dad had me all ready and he bounced across the bed to call his daughter to tell her to come in and deliver - when he bounced across the end of the bed it bounced me into the floor (I was okay, I got up, fixed the sheets and got back into the bed). In walked my doctor(she had wet hair, like she just showered). First she commented on how lived in the room was (the ledge of the window was filled with canned food?!) and then she preceeded to show me all these organic mixes I needed to eat to lose weight after the baby came (as the baby WAS COMING...) and then I woke up.
Weird dream, huh?!
That is too funny!!!
ReplyDeleteWow, that is weird. Pregnancy dreams are so messed up sometimes. I have had so many with all my kids. One was the baby was so tiny but I walked into my kitchen and she was sitting on the kitchen counter and when she saw me she hopped off ( which scared me ) then took off running around the house. She was the size of a newborn. Another was I had my baby and then the nurse came in saying I had triplet girls but I couldn't see them. I was worried there was something wrong with them and they just kept telling me they were fine but I couldn't see them .I woke up crying. Crazy pregnancy hormones play a mean part on your dreams.