Sunday, January 16, 2011

Pregnancy and Life

I sometimes wish the only "big" thing I had going on in my life was my pregnancy, it'd be easier to enjoy it and I'd be able to spend more time thinking about things like the babies room....but, I feel like I have a million "big" things going on right now:

#1. A new elected official running our office which means all kinds of changes at work. Some of my duties have changed and one in particular will really become more demanding throughout the next couple of months.

#2. Building a new house and trying to sell our current house. All the decisions are driving me crazy. I know it should be something I'm excited about and should use this opportunity to do things the way I want them....but I don't even feel like I have energy to care about any of the decisions most of the time. I hope I don't regret this...and if I do, oh well, I'll just have to learn I can't take on so many things at once. It's a great thing that we will have a new house by the time the baby comes, but it's hard enough having to pick out baby things (crib, car seats, eventually how I want to decorate), let alone things like windows, doors, floors, lighting and accessories for an entire house.

#3. Not only continuing with my Masters education - but increasing the number of classes I take from one to two courses at a time. Classes don't officially start until tomorrow and I've already spent 3 hours on homework today - so that I can be caught up in my online class and not stressing out about it when I go to my other class. I think that I will have to dedicate Sunday's to school from here on out, there is going to be a lot to due over the next 18 weeks. I just have to continue reminding myself it'll be worth it to graduate before the baby comes and not have to take classes when I have a newborn.

#4. Of course, being pregnant, which is tiring in it's self. I feel tired all the time (at least not sick anymore) and I could literally sleep 20 hours a day if I let myself.......

AND, lastly, all the normal everyday things that don't end because you're in school, pregnant, building a house and being challenged at work - you know, dishes, laundry, dinner, bills....if and when I make it through these next couple of months I think I might take Baby W and run away for a couple weeks : ) Surely no one would notice......

{Sorry for such a complaining post. I really am grateful for everything I have in my life, which includes everything going on - but somedays it's just overwhelming and I just want to run away from it all! It doesn't help that this pregnancy has increased the amount people get on my nerves! Geesh, I sound grumpy today!}


  1. You don't sound grumpy, you sound like an normal first time Mommy to be. You have a lot going on but you are strong and can handle it. Just take one thing at a time, remember to relax as much as possible and remember that it will all be worth it in the end. At least you are trying to get all the big things done before he or she gets here so you have more baby time. Take care of yourself above all other things.

  2. Hang in there, and don't expect so much of yourself!!!
