Thursday, December 30, 2010

14 weeks

I'm not posting the full body pictures because I had just gotten out of the shower and didn't even BRUSH my hair!!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

13 weeks


Doctor Appointment

We had our 2nd Doctor Appointment yesterday - this is the one we got to hear the heartbeat at! The heart was beating at 163 beats per minute. The doctor told us she had a gut feeling it was a boy, which of course made Chris happy! I told him though there is no way to know until we get our 20 week ultrasound so not to give his hopes up too much ; )

I did record the sound of the heartbeat so I'll try to post that soon!

Friday, December 17, 2010

12 weeks

I'm late again. Guess what?!?!? I look like hell again! This time I'd spent the day at the hospital (I'll post on my other blog in re. to it), it was late and I was tired....I'm posting from the hospital

Also - I wanted to point out something - My mom mentioned that it looks like I'm arching my back/sticking my stomach out in my pictures, but I'm not...I have a huge bow in my back, it's just the way my back is arched (mom says that my dad is the same way). I can lay on my back on the floor and there's a good 2 inch gap between my lower back and the floor. SoooOOooo...Just wanted to point that out!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

What's Been Going On

1. I've been gaining more weight. I'm gaining too quickly, so starting yesterday I am doing a better job at eating healthier and tracking (not restricting, necessarily) my calories. I think I was taking in a lot more than I realized.

2. Still really tired and not sleeping well at nights. It goes in spurts, one night I'll sleep semi-well, the next not at all....

3. HAIRY. The hair on my legs seems to grow so fast, I can't keep up with. My belly is fuzzy too. Ick!

4. My niece, Jessi, told me I was "punkett" - which when I asked her what that meant she told me "That's when someone is really tall and has a big belly!" - I'm assuming she made the word up, but it was hilarious....

5. Getting way more used to the maternity pillow. I like it a lot. Chris hates it. He says it comes in between us, which, since it's as big as a person, does - but it helps me sleep, so he'll have to live with it!

6. I've still been keeping up with working out. Hopefully now that I'm tracking my food again I will start gaining at a slower speed - which is what needs to happen.

7. I went shopping and bought some longer sweaters for this winter. I got most out of the Junior section, which is cheaper than purchasing maternity clothes. I ended up ordering 3 pair of pants online though - 1 pair of brown dress pants and 2 pair of jeans - I haven't gotten them yet, and I don't need them yet, but they were on sale so I went ahead and ordered them. I used JcPenney's maternity this time, they are a bit cheaper than Motherhood Maternity. I'm hoping the quality of their dress pants are the same that I ordered from Motherhood.

That's about it for now! Have a great day.

Friday, December 10, 2010

11 weeks

I'm a bit late posting these - I've been soooo tired lately that I don't ever feel like doing a thing. Unfortunatley, that included taking pictures this night which is why there are only 2....and my eyes look like I'm about to pass out!

Thursday, December 9, 2010


I spend all day being tired and then can't sleep at night - it's soooo frusturating!

Here is what happened last night:

Went to bed around 9 p.m.

Woke up to pee around 11

Woke up to pee a little after 1.

Couldn't fall back asleep.

Layed there.

Layed there some more.

Finally got up at 3:15.

Got gym clothes on and went to the gym.

Worked out from 3:30-4:30.

Went home. Got ready for work.

Left house at 5:15.

Went to Wal-Mart.

Got to work at 6:00 (30 minutes early).

Guess what. I'm DEAD tired and it's not even 7:00 yet.


Monday, December 6, 2010


I've started the crazy pregnancy dreams. I've had a lot - and mostly they are funny and entertaining (scary once!). Last night, though, I had my first baby dream!!!

It was weird - went like this:

I had my baby (a girl!) - I was in the hospital during my dream and my sister was there with me, but she was still pregnant (in reality she's 3 1/2 months further along than me - so this better not happen). I never actually seen my kid, nor did I go through the actual birthing in my dream - I was just told I had a girl, I named her Kelsey and that she weighed 9 pounds and 9 ounces.

It was weird! Maybe in my next baby dream I'll be able to see her! : )

Pregnancy Insomnia

Is there such a thing? YES? Then I have it. NO? Well, I still have it!

I spend ALL DAY tired and wanting to do nothing more than lay my head on the nearest...anything....but then when it's time to crawl in bed sleep eludes me. WHAT IS WITH THIS?????

Did anyone else deal with this when they were pregnant.

A little over a week and I'm moving into the second trimester - 99% of people have told me that this is the best trimester in relation to sleeping good and feeling good - I hope they're right!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

10 weeks

Here are the 10 week photos! I don't know that I'm ever going to have my hair fixed or make-up on! I just got out of the shower and remembered today was the 10 day I threw on the "outfit" - and had Chris snap the pics!